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Today's Calendar

Tzais Hakochavim
: 6:44pm

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This week's Torah portion is Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech

Shabbos, Sep 28

Candle Lighting

Friday, Sep 27, 6:03pm
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Today's Zmanim

Alos Hashachar 4:49am
Earliest Tallis 5:16am
Latest Shema 9:10am
Zman Tefillah 10:11am
Chatzos (Midday) 12:13pm
Mincha Gedola 12:43pm
Mincha Ketana 3:45pm
Plag HaMincha 5:02pm
Shkiah (Sunset) 6:18pm
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Mon, 23 September 2024 20 Elul 5784